Varicose veins of lower limbs - varicose veins

Thanks to veins, the body's blood flows to the heart. Varicose veins in the lower limbs cause the veins to dilate and lengthen. This disease is now very common. Women in their thirties and forties are most affected by this disease. Let’s take a closer look at why varicose veins develop in the legs, and how to diagnose and treat them.Healthy female legs without varicose veins

Why does it happen?

Varicose veins in the lower limbs develop gradually. It is promoted by various adverse factors in the veins, which over time are felt in the form of nodules and web formation.Causes of varicose veins in the legs:
  1. overweight;
  2. The intestines cannot cope with its work, which is why constipation often occurs;
  3. flatfoot;
  4. hypertension;
  5. passive lifestyle;
  6. extensive physical activity;
  7. Prolonged tension in the legs.
Due to excess weight, there is a lot of pressure on the legs, causing blood to stagnate in the veins. Additionally, if the gut malfunctions, the function of all the body's organs and systems can be disrupted. Because blood has to travel a long way from the lower limbs back to the heart. And if the intestines work intermittently, venous blood cannot flow back to the top, causing it to stagnate in the legs.In addition to the factors mentioned above, pelvic organ disease and hormonal imbalances caused by pregnancy, stress, antibiotics, alcoholic beverages and smoking also contribute to the development of the disease.Varicose veins in the lower limbs are inherited at the genetic level. Because varicose veins are inherited from parents, a child may start to suffer from varicose veins at an early age. Therefore, it is important to practice disease prevention, which will help prevent disease and prevent serious complications from occurring.

Disease symptoms and diagnosis

The main symptoms of varicose veins in the legs are:
  1. Leg swelling at the end of the work day;
  2. A feeling of fullness and heaviness in the calf area after sitting in one place for a long time or standing for a long time;
  3. Tingling in the legs;
  4. Cyanosis appears in the legs;
  5. Mesh and star shapes are formed on the legs.
If you develop these symptoms, it is important to see a phlebologist or vascular surgeon immediately. Complications can be prevented if treatment is started promptly.
Lower extremity venous ultrasound diagnosis of varicose veinsSpecialists will carefully examine the patient and listen to complaints. He will also prescribe all tests and undergo necessary examinations. In order to accurately diagnose and develop correct and effective treatments, doctors conduct the following research:
  • Ultrasound examination of veins, called a duplex venous scan. With ultrasound, an experienced specialist will see how open the vein is and how dilated it is. Additionally, such a study will tell you whether there is a blood clot in the vein and which direction the blood is flowing;
  • Using contrast venography, varicose veins of the lower extremities can be accurately diagnosed. With venography, the condition of the veins can be assessed and the presence of blood clots and tumors can be determined. In the study, a substance was injected into the leg area to make the blood appear blue, thus leaving an imprint of the patient's veins on X-rays.
Most commonly, a vein exam is performed using a duplex scan.

When you need to see a doctor urgently

Because varicose veins are dangerous to the human body, it is important to seek urgent medical help when:
  1. If you experience severe, sharp pain in your legs when doing any exercise;
  2. If you feel severe pain in your legs in the morning when you try to get out of bed. In this condition, the legs have a swollen, dense appearance and a burning sensation in the skin;
  3. If in addition to pain, there is also a feeling of general weakness, shortness of breath, and persistent lack of oxygen;
  4. If the leg affected by varicose veins begins to ooze blood.
The above symptoms force people to see a doctor immediately to prevent unnecessary adverse consequences.

Correct treatment of varicose veins

Taking into account the advanced state of the disease, emerging complications associated with varicose veins, and the age of the patient, doctors resort to conservative or surgical treatment.Use the following methods to treat varicose veins:
  • Surgery is not required to treat this disease. This treatment only works on the first symptoms of varicose veins. Conservative treatment involves wearing special compression garments, following a special diet, and performing a range of physical activities on a regular basis.According to the doctor's advice, you can choose special knee-high socks or socks that are suitable for your feet and have a certain amount of compression. You can also wrap your legs with elastic compression bandages. This type of underwear should be worn throughout the day and removed only before bed.Also useful is a special massage, which is performed with a special cuff filled with air. Thanks to air pressure massage, blood circulation improves, tissues breathe better, the pain and discomfort associated with varicose veins disappear;
  • The treatment of varicose veins in the lower limbs also requires the help of drugs, which are divided into intravenous supplements, anticoagulants and non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs.Anticoagulants prevent blood clots from forming in the veins.Inflammation and pain are eliminated thanks to NSAIDs.
  • Varicose veins can also be treated with leeches. Leeches bite the skin, penetrate deep into the skin and release hirudin, which thins the blood and prevents blood clots from forming;
  • Treatment is with sclerotherapy, where the affected vein is completely removed. The procedure is like this. Doctors inject a special drug into the veins that sticks them together and prevents blood from flowing. As a result, vein degeneration occurs. The veins resolve completely within a year. This procedure does not interfere with blood circulation. To completely cure varicose veins with sclerotherapy, you will need three to six such treatments;
  • Varicose veins can also be treated with laser. The surgery is performed under local anesthesia. The first results will be visible within three weeks of treatment;
  • If the above conservative methods are ineffective, doctors may resort to surgery. On the second postoperative day, the patient was able to walk independently.
The method of treating varicose veins based on your situation should be decided solely by your doctor. There is no need to treat such a serious illness on your own.

Expert advice

Doctors recommend the following to all patients with varicose veins:
  1. Try to drink more than two liters of pure water every day. Water can help you lose excess weight and prevent varicose veins;
  2. It is important to fast once a week. You need to fast on this day. A day of fasting helps remove waste and toxins from the body;
  3. Try to quit smoking. After all, nicotine has adverse effects on blood vessels and can cause varicose veins;
  4. Try not to overheat and strengthen your immune system to avoid getting sick. Don't sit in a hot bath or sauna for too long;
  5. Sudden changes in climate are not recommended. Therefore, it is best to relax in your own climate zone.
The simple tips listed below will help prevent varicose veins and will also make it easier for you to live with the condition if it already affects your legs.

Varicose veins and traditional medicine

Treatment of varicose veins with folk remedies should only be started after consulting a doctor and simultaneously with conservative treatment methods. Traditional medicine recipes that help get rid of this disease:
  1. Mix one part chopped white garlic with two parts creamy butter. Apply the resulting product to the damaged vein, wrap the leg with parchment and a bandage or a warm scarf. This compression is done at night. In the morning, after washing, put on warm pants;
  2. For one year, tie green tomato slices to the affected vein before bed. Due to this vegetable, varicose veins will soften and shrink. After a while, they disappear completely;
  3. Mix kefir with mugwort. Put the resulting mixture on a bandage and wrap it around your legs. The procedure takes place overnight;
  4. To prevent leg injuries due to varicose veins at night, you need to eat the following apple porridge. Pour three Antonovka apples into a liter of boiling water and cook for three hours. Then take out the apples, make puree, and eat it twice a day, 30 grams each time;
  5. Pour 30 g of nettles into boiling water and cook for an hour. Then strain and drink a quarter cup three times a day. Drink for 1 month, then take a two-week break and repeat the process. Nettle treatment should be carried out for six months;
  6. Pour boiling water over hop cones and let soak for 15 minutes. Drink the tincture half an hour before meals. For faster results, soak a bandage in the intoxicating infusion and apply it to the affected vein;
  7. Pour boiling water into 5 g of finely chopped nutmeg. Add 5 grams of honey and stir. Let it brew for 30 minutes. Drink 60 minutes before breakfast and two hours after breakfast. Nutmeg is poisonous, so do not drink more than five grams per day. Failure to observe this warning may result in death;
  8. Place the longevity leaves in a one liter jar. Half leaf, half alcohol. Inject in the dark for two weeks. Shake the jar daily. Use the resulting product to lubricate your feet every day;
  9. You need to peel five potatoes. Grate them and brush your feet with the resulting puree. After four hours, rinse the potatoes with warm water;
  10. Pour 50 g of horse chestnut with alcohol (500 ml). Let it simmer for two weeks. After a period of time, filter out and take 15 grams each time, 3 times a day, with water. The course of treatment is 7 days. Then rest for 14 days. After completing three of these classes, your legs will improve.
It is important to remember that the traditional medical treatments described should only be used after consulting a doctor, so as not to aggravate the condition and not damage your health.

Diet rules for varicose veins

Try to eat foods containing fiber every day. Thanks to fiber, excess and unnecessary substances from the body are expelled from the body. Fiber can deal with toxins, waste, pus and even radionuclides. It is also sometimes called a bowel cleanser. Therefore, it is beneficial to eat different grains and vegetables and fruit peels.If you only eat barley porridge for a few days, you can get rid of excess weight, eliminate swelling, and improve the condition of your skin and hair.To lose excess weight and improve blood circulation in your legs, try cutting back on animal fats. They can be replaced with vegetable oils, which improve blood flow and are therefore considered useful for varicose veins in the legs. To prevent obesity, increase in cholesterol and sludge in the body, eliminate fast food and fast food products from your diet.Eating foods rich in vitamin C is very useful, it strengthens vein walls and improves immunity. Vitamin C is found in citrus fruits, sea buckthorn, rose hips, black currants, onions and garlic.
Now you know why varicose veins occur, how to properly diagnose them, and what treatments are available for this condition. Only by strictly following all the recommendations of experienced doctors can you overcome this disease in a short time and continue living and enjoying a healthy lifestyle.